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Why Your Business Card Shouldn't Have These Characteristics

Your business card is a tool that helps people to remember your business and get your contacts. For it to do this, it must be well designed and printed. Here are some things you shouldn't use if you want your business cards to be effective:

Low Paper Quality

A light, low-quality paper projects a poor image for your business. Light papers are prone to creases, folds, tears and don't last long. Using such a paper implies you don't envision a long-term relationship with your customers. Using low-quality paper may also make your clients think that your products and services are subpar, which doesn't bode well for your operations too.

Jumbled Colors and Branding

One of the first things most people notice after receiving a business card is its color. Therefore, a random color may not work for you if it portrays the wrong image for your business. If you already have a brand in place, then use a color scheme that works well with your brand.

For example, white cards are standard and conservative, which means you should opt for a different color scheme to stand out from the crowd. However, that shouldn't make you use black cards, which portray power, elegance, and sophistication if your business is based on spirituality. In that case, an alternative color, such as purple, would work best.

Mysterious Features

You don't want mysterious characters, symbols, or graphics on your card. People should look at your cards and immediately know what your business is all about. The easiest way to do this is to use your logo, and this logo should have some connection to your business products or services. For example, if you are a moving company, a picture of a moving truck can easily help people understand what you do.

Too Big or Small Size

An over-sized card is difficult to carry around; those are the kinds of cards that people throw out immediately when you are out of sight. You need something that easily slips into a standard-sized wallet or pocket. Tiny cards aren't good either; they get lost easily and may not carry all the essential words and graphics. After all, you don't want the recipients of your cards to use magnifying glasses to read the words.

It's clear that crafting a business card isn't as simple as writing your contacts, loading the printer with papers, and clicking print. You need to sit don't and come up with a business card that portrays your business image, and people carry around. Why not sit down with a professional card designer to help you?

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